Fed up Moria locals block road to prevent reconstruction of migrant camp (VIDEO)

Residents of Moria have placed their vehicles and other items in the middle of the road to prevent the passage of machinery to the recently burnt down migrant camp that had brought untold vandalism, theft, rape and murder to the once peaceful region on Lesvos island.

Locals in Moria believe that the machinery is to clear the site so that tents can be placed to accommodate the illegal immigrants of the area again.

Residents of the village of Moria and the neighboring communities in the presence of Mytilenean Mayor Strati Kyteli set up the roadblocks.

Kytelis characterized the proposals by Athens as ungrounded and inappropriate, and rejected the proposals.

It had leaked in the local media that the closed camps in Klits Larsos and Lemonora could be reopened to accommodate the illegal immigrants.

The Moria camp was completely burnt down after a fire broke out in the area on Wednesday, leaving almost 13,000 illegal migrants literally on the streets.

Some of the illegal immigrants have confirmed cases of coronavirus.

The police forces in Lesvos, on the road leading from Moria village to Mytilene city, have set up blockades in order to prevent thousands of illegal immigrants from approaching the city.

The fire at Moria Camp began at approximately 2am yesterday after clashes began when some of the 35 refugees who tested positive for COVID-19 refused to move into isolation with their families.

Greek government spokesman Stelios Petsas, said the fire at Moria camp wasn’t an accident in interview on Mega TV station, while the Secretary General of the Reception of Asylum Seekers of the Migration Policy Ministry, Manos Logothetis  said “The disaster at Moria is total."

Lesvos has been announced to be a state emergency for at least the next four months.

The once peaceful island of Lesvos, especially in the area of Moria, has become a hub for criminality. Earlier this year, two gangs of Afghani immigrants battled each other in a shocking scene, African immigrants ridiculed and coughed on police in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, and thousands of olives trees have been destroyed.

In April, the main entrance to the Saint Raphael church close to the Moria migrant camp was also attacked, as reported by Greek City Times. This was just another incident in a string of many attacks against churches.

As a deeply religious society, these attacks on churches are shocking to the Greek people and calls to question whether these illegal immigrants seeking a new life in Europe are willing to integrate and conform to the norms and values of their new countries.